Perpetuating Stigma: Halloween Costumes


mental-health-halloween.pngWith Halloween festivities upon us, I think there is an important point to be addressed: Do not dress up as a mentally ill person. No “psycho”, straight jacket, “escape from the nuthouse” costumes. Why? This practice only further enforces stigma surrounding mental illness…

‘To dress up as a mental illness, you’re suggesting that mental illness is something to be laughed at or scared of.’

I honestly had no considered this issue, but it makes perfect sense. Please be sensitive folks. Padded rooms are not nearly as fun as they look. Ok?

Happy Halloween everyone!


“I’m Here”

22519569_10155962173121122_6098756536833528309_n.pngThere is a fantastic new mood disorder awareness campaign organized by the Depression and Bipolar Allience (DBSA) called “I’m Here”….

I’m here… is a way—for both people living with a mood disorder and those who support—to open up a channel for communication and to say, “I’m here…”

Not only does the linked site provide information about mood disorders, but also suggests many ways in which we can all get involved in the conversation to break the stigma surrounding mental health. The DBSA provides instructions for how to make your own pin, or will send you one for the cost of shipping.

I am going to make mine this afternoon.
