A “Socially Acceptable Life”?

party.jpg We have all felt that panic in social situations: the fear and pain of answering that simple question, “So what do you do?”. Generally a response such as “I try not to die” is not socially acceptable. But that nagging inevitable question “What do you do?” is the type of conversation that can deflate your self-esteem and invite self-inflicting insults such as “I am a pathetic loser“.

“Success” can be defined in many ways. What is “normal” or “socially acceptable” may simply not be a proper yard stick by which to measure yourself if you have a mental illness. For you, a “normal” accomplishment may be attending all of you appointments that week, or consistently taking your medications as prescribed.

So when the dreaded small-talk question “What do you do?” is asked, remember not to harshly judge yourself by a “socially acceptable” yard stick. Most of us? What we do? We do the best we can.

via The Mighty

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